Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving in Harrisonburg & Eating Like a Big Boy...

Well, other than the screaming for over an hour when we first got there, and oh yeah, the disgusting poop attack that required a full change of clothes in a gas station on the way home in horrible traffic, everything went just fine for Seven's first real road trip. He got to meet his aunt and uncle Josh & Keeli for the fist time, and his cousin Brant. Brant is a real cute and funny. He actually goes into hiding to do his business, and he's only 14 months old. How clever is that? Here's a cute pic of little Brant...

Seven is now eating oatmeal and fruits like peaches and pears at least 2 to 3 times a day along with his formula. So far, so good, he really likes it and eats off of a spoon like he's always known how. He no longer is satisfied with just a bottle, and he seems to really like the fact, he gets a little hateful if he doesn't get a bite fast enough. Were so thrilled with him - he's just the best little guy, and is starting to develop a real personality. He's a flirt for sure, and though it's kind of cute now, he's a Mama's boy. Today especially, I had to be holding him pretty much every minute. Of course I LOVE that he loves me, but it does make work a little impossible. Just ask my Mom, who has to step in and do everything at te store because I am tied up with a baby who just wants Mommy to sing to him. Again.

I also just want to say a heavy hearted goodbye to our best friends Nicole and Adam, who are moving to Raleigh today after being with us for 11 years. God. 11 years. So much has changed since then. Weddings, babies, buying houses together. Vacations to Europe, cruises, football games. Lots of happy times and not so happy times. But we've always been together. Now you'll be just a little farther away, I keep reminding myself... But that's just so I can breathe. We love you and miss you two already.