Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Blueberry Thief...

So, with Seven finally getting his first teeth, he's not been in the happiest of moods. What to do? Take him outside, as he loves it there, you know. I took a strainer up to the garden as we have oodles of blueberries growing (yeah!) and I thought I'd pick some and bring them back to maybe make blueberry muffins or icecream (doesn't that sound good? yep, I thought so, too.) Well, I sat Seven in the grass where he entertained himself happily and I picked berries. Then, for whatever reason, I got distracted and started looking at the tomatoes and zucchini.(Yes, I am easil distracted by produce and enter my own little world.) So what do I see upon the realization that I was supposed to be picking blueberries? Well, see for yourself...