Monday, November 10, 2008

Tell Me These Aren't Too Cool...

Oh Lord.

I was supposed to be working on making ads for my Amazon deal over on my DoughMessTic site, when I saw this link to I had no idea what they sold, but I clicked through.
Mis Take.
Big Mistake.

If you are a reader of this blog, then you are A - related to me, B - practically related to me, or C - you got here by accident. Either way, I think I know who you are. And that means I know you have a little one, or 2, or 1 on the way. (Or all of the above, Jenn)

So, I went shopping for you. How sad is that? So if you love these as much as me, please - CLICK THROUGH THIS LINK. Shop. Buy. I stand to make a couple of bucks if you do, and you KNOW how bad I need it. Plus, they offer 100% Price Guarantee, so no need to price check anywhere else - and hello?? Free OVERNIGHT SHIPPING?? Who does that?

Okay, here's what I found...

I want Seven to have these. Maybe for Christmas. They look so easy with the Velcro, and since we are going to Italy in January, they'd be great to have. God, I hope he'll WALK by THEN!!

These Pumas are super cute. Sev had a pair last year. Mommies with tiny babies - these look cool. Jenn & Nicole - new babies, HIP babies. You all should get these. Or maybe those Geox. I love the look of them both.

How cool are these?? Seriously. I love them as much as the Geox. They come in 4 colors. I can see William in these. And Seven. And Brant. (Can you see how broke I am going here? Must. Stop. Now.)

I saw these and thought of Lainy. They have pretty much every Robeez shoe out there...Julie, Dayna, I know you can find some super cute slip ons for Rain and Lydia. I was kind of overwhelmed with all of the cute girly shoes!

Rikki - I thought of Rae & Ryane when I saw these. Too cute. And they are on a huge sale... Dayna, maybe Claire would like them? If not, there are a ton of other great girl shoes there.

Jenn - I thought your boys would like these cool shoes. I know Nick has Teva's and the boys might think it's fun to have shoes like Dad, and these are nice because they don't have laces to worry about.

Enough already. Maybe that will give you some Christmas ideas or something. I was seriously impressed with the HUGE selection of kids/infant shoes. Yes, some are a little pricy, I'll admit. But maybe you are looking for that ONE GOOD PAIR. Also, they do have adult shoes too, and handbags, etc. It says if you spend $125, you instantly save $25. So that's a pretty good deal!

At least go take a look. I may not be able to buy them for you for Christmas, but at least I shopped for you a little!

(Ahem, if there is a grandparent reading this and wants to know a certain boys shoe size, let me know. I can arrange that. It would be 5. In January, he'll be wearing a FIVE. Just in case. :))


The Lauers said...

Hey Sus! You might want to add that Endless is a Upromise contributer for 6%. That's one of the highest rates I've seen! It's usually only 2 or 3%. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I always wonder, how is it possible that Endless offer so much big discount on shoes ?